Friday, February 24, 2017


恭喜閣下成為2017 年香港特別行政區行政長官選舉委員,我們期望閣下能代表業界選出合香港人的特首。

1) 閣下認為適合香港人的特首應具備哪些條件?






To: Election Committee members Finance, Financial Services, and Insurance functional constituencies Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Dear Sir/Madam, Congratulations for being elected as members of the 2017 HKSAR Chief Executive Election Committee. We trust that you will select the right person as the Chief Executive of Hong Kong on behalf of your constituents.
We are practitioners from the finance, actuary, and insurance industries, who are concerned about the political situation in Hong Kong. As such we would like to enquire about your position in relation to the upcoming Chief Executive election:

1) What are the necessary requirements do you think the right CE for Hong Kong should have?

2) How do you plan to consult the people working in your own industry? Will you meet with various CE candidates to convey the views of your constituents as well as the general 
public? What kind of issues are you most concerned about?

3) The Finance, Financial Services, and Insurance constituencies consist only of corporate votes. Will you vote according to your own will or that of your company?

4) If the voting is based on the decision of your company, what is the decision process? How is the consensus reached within the company? Are all decision-makers permanent residents of the HKSAR?

5) Will you bundle your nominating and voting decisions with your fellow Election Committee members from the same sector? If yes, what is the rationale behind it?

We look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
Act Voice
Financier Conscience
Insurance ARISE

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